Criminal Law Tag

BLOG from our #ABKLaw Partner Michael Jaccarino, Esq.:  Gravity Knife ban lifted  A gravity knife, small, easy to use blades that are defined under New York law as a knife with the blade in the handle that can be opened with a one-handed flick of the...

BLOG:  #ABKLaw Partner Michael Jaccarino, Esq. - New York State recently enacted CPL 160.59 Did you know: Our Partner Michael Jaccarino recently successfully petitioned New York County Criminal Court to seal the prior conviction and criminal record of an Aidala, Bertuna & Kamins client, a great...

You can’t turn on the news without hearing about the Harvey Weinstein case, which is precisely why the hearing on Friday was so important to our #ABKLaw Defense Team helmed by Executive Partner Marianne Bertuna, accompanied by Diana Fabi Samson, Arthur Aidala and Hon. Barry...

BLOG from our #ABKLaw Partner Michael Jaccarino, Esq.:  The Government May Be Monitoring Your Purchases DEA agents thought that criminals purchase money-counting machines. A recent report shows that the Drug Enforcement Administration secretly collected data in bulk about Americans' purchases of money-counting machines, which are obviously legal...

A BLOG from our Aidala, Bertuna & Kamins P.C. Partner Hon. Barry Kamins:  VERITAS The above Latin word,  meaning "truth,” is the official motto of Harvard University. Recent events have shown that this prestigious institution has been veering away from that goal. Professor Ronald Sullivan, who teaches...

BLOG from our #ABKLaw Partner Michael Jaccarino, Esq.:  The Innocent Should Remain Silent  Most convicted criminals know not to talk to the police.  Generally, the first time they were arrested, they confessed, were prosecuted, and went to jail.  They won’t make that mistake again. It is the innocent...