25 Mar ABKLaw BLOG: Veritas
A BLOG from our Aidala, Bertuna & Kamins P.C. Partner Hon. Barry Kamins: VERITAS
The above Latin word, meaning “truth,” is the official motto of Harvard University. Recent events have shown that this prestigious institution has been veering away from that goal. Professor Ronald Sullivan, who teaches at Harvard Law School, is now the subject of an investigation by the University.
What caused the university to begin this inquiry? Professor Sullivan joined a team of attorneys defending Harvey Weinstein who stands accused of sex offenses in Manhattan. As a result, a petition was circulated to have the professor removed from his position because his choice of client was “deeply trauma inducing” and shows that Professor Sullivan does not “value the safety of students.”
Rather than pointing out the flaws in the petition, university officials have offered mental health services to traumatized students and joined with students in their demonstrations on campus.
Harvard Law School does a disservice to its students in failing to remind them that an attorney who represents someone accused of a crime, even a heinous crime, does not thereby condone crime. It fails its students by not reminding them that democracy requires that the most unpopular client is entitled to be represented.
These principles of American liberties should be upheld, if anywhere, at law schools such as Harvard. By failing to reinforce them, Harvard has done a disservice to the legal profession, to its students, and to itself, as an institution.

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