
BLOG from our #ABKLaw Partner Michael Jaccarino, Esq.:  DNA databases,, and Privacy Can your purchase help solve a crime? Forensic genealogy is the use of DNA to help solve crimes.  CODIS is the largest and primary law enforcement DNA database.  It is maintained...

BLOG from our #ABKLaw Partner Michael Jaccarino, Esq.:   The Criminal Justice System & the Vanishing Trial  They say lady justice is blind, for her blindfold represents objectivity, the ability to allocate justice without the fright of bribe, without the influence of money, wealth, power and...

ANNOUNCING ABK LAW EAST – HAMPTONS MARIANNE BERTUNA & ARTHUR AIDALA announce ABK LAW expansion…  INTRODUCING #ABKLaw 🌇New York City ⬅️⚖️➡️ Hamptons🌅  Every summer people flock to the Hamptons for fun in sun. Our #ABKLaw Partners MARIANNE BERTUNA and ARTHUR AIDALA are right there too!...

BLOG from our #ABKLaw Partner Michael Jaccarino, Esq.:  Vaccines and the 4th Amendment When can vaccines affect an individuals’ right to privacy in their own home? A recent situation in Arizona has raised these legal issues.   In Phoenix, police officers with guns drawn broke down...

BLOG from our #ABKLaw Partner Michael Jaccarino, Esq.:  Sealing In 2017, New York State passed a new sealing law that enables anyone who has been convicted of a crime to have his or her records sealed.  This was huge! Why aren’t we hearing from more...