Lawyer Tag

BLOG from our #ABKLaw Partner Michael Jaccarino, Esq.:  COVID-19 and Defendants Rights in New York State  In New York City, three additional correction officers and at least eight inmates have tested positive for the COVID-19 pandemic.  A doctor on Rikers Island has warned that "a storm...

Practice Areas:  Civil Litigation - Employment Law Lawrence Spasojevich, Esq. brings more than 10 years of civil litigation experience to the impressive roster of attorneys that work with Aidala, Bertuna & Kamins, P.C. as an employment and labor law attorney. His practice is dedicated to aggressively advocating for...

BLOG from #ABKLaw attorney Lawrence Spasojevich: Fair Chance Act   If somebody is gracious enough to give me a second chance, I won’t need a third.  - Pete Rose   People make mistakes. Unfortunately, some mistakes result in criminal convictions. However, serving a sentence is only half the battle....

If somebody is gracious enough to give me a second chance, I won’t need a third.  -Pete Rose. BLOG from #ABKLaw Lawrence Spasojevich, Esq.:  Fair Chance Act   People make mistakes. Unfortunately, some mistakes result in criminal convictions. However, serving a sentence is only half the battle. Once...

BLOG from our #ABKLaw Partner Michael Jaccarino, Esq.:  The Pro Se Defendant   Many infamous criminals have represented themselves while on trial. Some examples are Colin Ferguson, John Allen Muhammed, Dr. Jack Kevorkian, Zacarias Moussaoui, and even Ted Bundy.  They all have one thing in common…. they...

BLOG from our #ABKLaw Partner Michael Jaccarino, Esq.:  DNA databases,, and Privacy Can your purchase help solve a crime? Forensic genealogy is the use of DNA to help solve crimes.  CODIS is the largest and primary law enforcement DNA database.  It is maintained by the...

BLOG from our #ABKLaw Partner Michael Jaccarino, Esq.:  New York City’s “Vision Zero” Law New York City’s “Vision Zero” Law, which we detailed in an earlier blog post, allows criminal charges to be filed against drivers who strike, and either kill or seriously injure a pedestrian...

BLOG from our #ABKLaw Partner Michael Jaccarino, Esq.:  Can the police Photoshop a mugshot before showing it to a witness? Continuing on our discussion from last week concerning the use of facial recognition software to identify suspects, another disturbing trend has developed in the area of suspect...