09 Apr #ABKLaw NEWS: Partner Michael Jaccarino, Esq. secures release of an #ABKLaw client incarcerated on Rikers Island
Earlier today, our Partner Michael Jaccarino was able to secure the release of an #ABKLaw client who had been incarcerated on Rikers Island for the past several months. The client, who had been arrested twice and charged with several felony and misdemeanor offenses, was facing several years in prison, and was scheduled to serve at least another 6-8 months in jail on Rikers Island, where, due to the spread of COVID-19, conditions have severely deteriorated, and all attorney visits, as well as visits from family members have been suspended.
After negotiations with prosecutors in the Manhattan District Attorney’s Office, we were able to convince the Court to schedule an emergency court appearance, where all parties appeared remotely via Skype. After hearing arguments from our office, the Judge agreed to sentence our client to Probation, which has the effect of releasing him from jail immediately! He will now be at home with his family this weekend. This is a huge victory and is tremendously important for the client and his family, as the conditions on Rikers Island are becoming very dangerous and the client will no longer be exposed to the heightened risk of contracting the disease in such a perilous environment.
To all of our clients and friends – YES, our #ABKLaw office is up and running. Our attorneys are working diligently for our clients, and are available for conferences via phone and/or Skype. If you have a particular legal matter that requires immediate attention, please call 212-486-0011 or email us at Info@AidalaLaw.com.
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